In this article we break down the astrological compatibility of two people who were both born in the sign of Aries, in terms of strengths and challenges in the relationship, romantic compatibility, communication, and more. We give tons of practical insights on how to nourish your relationship and overcome obstacles you’ll likely face.
Recommended: Learn more about yours and your partner’s overall personality, check out our complete guide to the Aries zodiac sign.
Aries Overview
Sign of the Ram. Aries natives are head-strong, and can be natural leaders. However, their competitive side might get them into trouble!
Ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of war, explosions, sudden events, and land. Martian individuals are hard-working and self-confident.
A fire sign. Those with an Aries moon are temperamental, passionate, and energetic.
A movable sign. Persons born under this sign are fluid, spontaneous, and fond of change.
A masculine sign. This makes the native aggressive, bold, and thick-skinned.
Core Strengths
- Natural born leaders
- Ambitious and hard-working
- Friendly and caring
- Intelligent
Main Weaknesses
- Overactive — may take on too much and leave things unfinished
- Headstrong and reckless
- Proud and boastful
How Aries Approaches Relationships
Aries natives make excellent romantic partners when they see eye-to-eye with their spouse and experience genuine love and trust in the relationship. In fact, they might even become overly submissive out of a desire to please their partner. Ariens should make sure to be honest and open about their personal feelings and needs so that their partner has a chance to properly reciprocate with all that they are putting into the relationship.
Planetary Compatibility
When assessing the compatibility of any two Zodiac signs, one of the first things to look at is the planetary friendships. Aries is ruled by Mars, a planet of youthful energy who loves competition. Generally, two signs that are ruled by the same planet are highly compatible, and this is especially so when both partners are born under the same sign.
You and your partner will likely have most of your core values and interests in common. You both value practical accomplishments and personal ambition. You will encourage one another in your individual pursuits, and you will also enjoy spending time together.
Strengths of the Relationship
Two Aries natives will find their relationship comes very naturally. They will both be able to understand each other and empathize with each other’s needs and wants. They will have an easy time making important life decisions together, such as where to live, how to divide household responsibilities, where to go on vacation, and so on.
Independence is an important aspect of life for Aries natives, and you and your partner will both know how to give each other space and respect one another’s personal time. Nevertheless, you will also find many activities you can enjoy together. You and your partner are likely to be attracted to each other both physically and mentally, and you will enjoy each other’s company.
Challenges in the Relationship
One weakness of the Aries psychology is the need for variety and stimulation. You will both need to endeavor to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Having various projects and activities you do together will help maintain your interest over the long haul.
You both tend to make hasty decisions, so you may find yourself in difficult situations, whether financial difficulties, or in other kinds of hazardous scenarios. Make sure you seek advice from others when making important decisions.
Aries natives also tend to leave things unfinished. You may each accumulate a number of incomplete projects. This could trigger feelings of annoyance or frustration between the two of you. Practice encouraging your partner and helping each other set realistic and attainable goals. This will help to foster feelings of trust and friendship between the two of you.
The Sexes at a Glance
The Aries Man
- Influential
- Spirited
- Physically strong
- Passionate / romantic
- Egotistical
- Likely to change residence
The Aries Woman
- Straightforward
- Outgoing
- Ambitious
- Dominant in relationships
- Harsh in speech
- Self-centered
Romantic Compatibility
Aries natives are naturally very loving and affectionate. You will both like spending time together and you will easily find ways to keep the relationship fun and exciting. You both like romance and physical intimacy, so there can be plenty of mutual chemistry between you. There may be occasional disagreements and misunderstandings, but because you understand and value one another, you will work through these personal differences and again reconcile as friends.
Things You Can Do Together
Since Aries is a competitive sign, you may enjoy doing team sports or other physical activities together. You also like intellectual pursuits, so you may enjoy learning new skills together, like a foreign language, cooking, or some other art or craft.
However, since Aries hates losing, it would be better to avoid games that involve competition between you and your partner, such as one-on-one games. Instead, find games where you can both play on the same team.
You may also enjoy productive activities like volunteering together. You both have a capacity for leadership, and you like making a positive impact on your community.
How Aries and Aries Communicate
Aries is a talkative and social sign. You both like to talk with each other, and it will nourish your relationship to set aside time every day to share highlights and challenges from your day. Aries can also be very opinionated, so be careful to respect your partner’s views and give them a chance to speak their mind before you launch into your own perspective.
For each sign, there are different strengths and weaknesses. Rather than focusing on what you don’t like about your partner, try to see their strengths. There will inevitably be differences in communication styles between you and your partner. The key is to find respectful ways you and your partner can express yourselves while still staying true to your core values.
Summary and Overall Score
On average Aries and Aries natives score 83/100. This makes Aries and Aries highly compatible signs. Their strengths more than compensate for the several challenges they will face in a partnership.
No two people are perfectly compatible. Thus, there is no such thing as 100/100 compatibility. For Aries, the best score attainable is with a Leo partner, which scores 88/100. The idea is that every relationship requires self-sacrifice, respect, and mutual effort.
Note: Astrological compatibility is a highly nuanced science, and it is always a good idea to get a complete reading from a skilled astrologer to learn about the specifics of your personal chart and your romantic compatibility with your partner.
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac
Learn about each of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |