In this article we provide a detailed overview of Venus in Aquarius as well as its impact in each of the 12 houses of the zodiac. Do you have Venus in Aquarius in your horoscope? If so then this article is for you.
Venus: The Planet of Marriage, the Sensuality, and Desire
In Vedic theology, Venus is known as Shukracharya, the teacher of the godless. Ancient Romans worshiped Venus in the form of a goddess, and viewed her as the empress of desire, sex, and sensuality. The name Venus comes from the Latin word for sexual love, and it is traceable back to the Sanskrit word vāñchā, meaning longing or desire.
Venus’ day of the week is Friday, known in Latin as Veneris, or the day of Venus. In Sanskrit, Friday is known as Shukravar, or the day of Shukra.
Venus is slower than Mercury but faster than Mars. It completes a cycle of the zodiac in about seven months and 15 days, and passes through each sign in 18 days and 18 hours.
When reading a chart, Venus represents the following:
- Worldliness, sex, attachment
- Musicians, poets, and prostitutes
- The wife and other women
- Marriage, sensual pleasures, and luxury
- Dance, singing, and poetry
- Infatuation, intoxicants, and love affairs
- Prosperity, money, and vehicles
- Capacity to enjoy life, romance, and indulgence
- Jewelry, flowers, and cosmetics
LEARN MORE: The Puranas provide an advanced understanding of our universe, including descriptions of life on other planets. Check out our guide to Vedic Cosmology.
Aquarius: The Sign of the Water Bearer
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. In Vedic astrology, Aquarius is known by the Sanskrit name kumbha, or “the water pot.” The sign of Aquarius possesses a intellectual, humanitarian, and goal-oriented nature. Aquarius is a sign of idealism. In an astrological chart, it indicates areas where you are philosophical and pragmatic in your efforts.
Basic Traits
Ruled by Saturn. Saturn is known as the planet of karma, austerity, and mysticism. He brings a sober and mysterious energy to the house he inhabits.
An air sign. Aquarius is imaginative, logical, and curious.
A fixed sign. Aquarius is steady, predictable, and slow to change.
A masculine sign. Aquarius is aggressive, bold, and thick-skinned.
Areas of Influence
Aquarius influences its planetary lord in the following areas:
- Altruism and self-sacrifice
- Social justice and humanitarian work
- Patience and determination
- Renunciation and asceticism
- Idealism
Traits of Venus in Aquarius
The influence of Venus in a birth chart will change depending on which house it is located in, its relative position in relation to other planets, as well as other factors. However, the following general traits are likely to be found in a native who has Venus in Aquarius:
You dress well. You have a keen sense for fashion and you like to dress up and look good. You can impress others in this way. However, some people will see through the flashy exterior — make sure that you work on your inner qualities as well.
You may be easily influenced by the opposite sex. You are overly interested in romantic pursuits. This is born of a lack of self-respect, as well as a lack of respect for your would-be romantic partners. Try to see others on the spiritual platform, beyond the physical body. This will help you develop the right mentality.
You have an unsteady mind. You are an anxious and worrisome person. You do not have much self-confidence, even though you actually do have many strengths and talents. By practicing meditation on a regular basis, you will be able to overcome this character flaw.
You will face repeated disappointments in your professional life. You are reaping the results of some previous bad karma in this lifetime. You will have to face many disappointments in your work life. However, by giving in charity and volunteering your work for a noble cause, you can mitigate the effects of this. Also, if you devote the results of your work to the Supreme Lord, that will be best.
You may struggle with bad habits. You may struggle with a variety of temptations in life and you will have some bad habits to overcome. Even though you know what is the right thing to do, you have a strong urge to do the opposite. However, with discipline and determination you can make the best of your life.
Venus in Aquarius in the 12 Houses
Every natal chart is unique. It is not possible to give a fully accurate reading without considering the various elements of the chart, including planetary combinations, aspects, friendships, directional strength, and more.
The traits below are general indications which will change depending on the influence of the factors listed above.
In the First House
The first house symbolizes physique and self-expression. You will have a comfortable, happy, and long life. You have a pleasant personality. You enjoy romantic pursuits, and you are liked by your peers.
In the Second House
The second house symbolizes wealth and cultural traditions. You are a talented writer and artist. You may lead an extravagant lifestyle. You eat well and have plenty of wealth. You come from a good family. You are courageous.
In the Third House
The third house symbolizes siblings, courage, and literary works. You enjoy traveling and you have a good relationship with your mother and siblings. However, in general you prefer to be on your own. Your spouse will have a strong influence over your life.
In the Fourth House
The fourth house symbolizes one’s mother, home, and basic beliefs. You own a nice house as well as many other valuable assets. You are an enthusiastic, upbeat person. You are a virtuous and charitable person, and you have good relationships with your parents and elders.
In the Fifth House
The fifth house symbolizes children, creative works, and overall success. You lead a comfortable life. You have many close friends. You are intelligent and a strong speaker, and you can do well in business.
In the Sixth House
The sixth house symbolizes debt, disease, and service. You may struggle with financial hardship and numerous bad habits. You are likely to have many acquaintances and contacts. You have good health. Your work may involve the arts.
In the Seventh House
The seventh house symbolizes the spouse, marital happiness, and sexual desire. You are fortunate and have many friends. You gain happiness and wealth from your spouse. You can do well in business partnerships.
In the Eighth House
The eighth house symbolizes death, calamities, and interest in the occult. You are likely to travel often. You take an active interest in religious and spiritual life. You are healthy and physically fit. You may work for the government.
In the Ninth House
The ninth house symbolizes religion and morality. You are a hospitable, devout, and truthful person. You have a happy family and you are surrounded by friends. You may marry a foreigner. You have a positive outlook on life, and you will earn the respect of your peers.
In the Tenth House
The tenth house symbolizes one’s father, career, and reputation. You are wealthy and will accumulate much property. You can become famous in life, and you may win various competitions. You are very intelligent, and you enjoy giving in charity.
In the Eleventh House
The eleventh house symbolizes gains, aspirations, and friendships. You will lead a comfortable and financially stable life. You may overindulge in romance and sensual pursuits. You have many friends and well-wishers in your life.
In the Twelfth House
The twelfth house symbolizes losses, misfortune, and liberation. You are very fortunate, and you like to flaunt your successes. Your spouse will have a strong influence over your life. You like to be spontaneous and eccentric. You will overcome enemies and opposition.
Learn More About Vedic Astrology
Expand your knowledge of astrology! Check out our guides to Vedic Astrology and the nine planets, known collectively in Sanskrit as the nava-graha. You can also learn about the differences between Western and Vedic astrology.
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac
Aries | Taurus | Gemini |
Cancer | Leo | Virgo |
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius |
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |