Vata, Pitta and Kapha, known collectively as the doshas, are the most fundamental concepts of Ayurveda. Each of us is made up of a unique ratio of all three of the doshas, known as our prakriti, or constitution.
Understanding your dominant dosha type offers insight into your inherent strengths and qualities, as well as areas of greater challenge. It is an opportunity to create dietary and lifestyle practices that will optimise your health and wellbeing.
Why Learn My Dosha?
Our physical and mental well-being plays a vital role in our ability to live productive and happy lives. But what does it even mean to be healthy? The Śuśruta Samhita gives the following definition:
samadosa samagnisca samadhatumalakriyah | prasannatmendriyamanah svastha ityabhidiyate ||
One who is established in the Self, who has balanced doshas (primary life force), balanced agni (digestive fire), properly formed dhatus (body tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul, and senses are full of bliss, is known as a healthy person.
In other words, health is the natural state of the human mind and body when the mental and physiological systems are nourished and balanced. Disease, on the other hand, arises due to imbalance in the body and mind, caused by adverse environmental factors, unhealthy lifestyle choices, or harmful eating habits.
By learning your Ayurveda dosha, you can discover a dietary regimen and lifestyle routine that is best suited for your daily health. You will also be able to preemptively adjust to seasonal and weather changes to reduce your chance of being adversely affected by the changes in temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors.