Known as Manipura in Sanskrit, the solar plexus chakra resides between your navel and your sternum (the place where your ribs meet and connect). The solar plexus itself is actually the meeting point of a network of nerves. Located over your stomach, this chakra has an association with fire and rules your digestive system. Because the digestive system relates to transformation and change, this chakra can influence an individual’s self-esteem, confidence and willpower.
Read on to learn more about this chakra’s important role as well as five yoga poses to help you strengthen and balance your solar plexus chakra.
Recommended: Browse more of our guides on the art and practice of yoga to harmonize your body, mind, and soul.
About the Solar Plexus Chakra
A person with a strong, balanced solar plexus chakra will have a healthy appetite, a grounded sense of identity, and the confidence and security to set healthy boundaries. However, someone with an underactive Manipura chakra can experience the following symptoms:
- Insecurity and Neediness
- Difficulty Making Decisions
- Passivity (E.g., Allowing Others to Walk On You or Violate Your Unestablished Boundaries)
- Low Confidence Levels
- Poor Digestion
Moreover, someone with an overactive Manipura chakra may experience these symptoms:
- A Controlling and Egocentric Nature
- A Quick Temper
- Stomach Pain
To avoid these symptoms, here are five yoga poses you can use to strengthen and balance your solar plexus chakra:
1. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
- Begin in a wide-legged stance, with your toes pointing toward the long end of your yoga mat.
- Turn your right toes toward the short end of the mat and extend your arms out to your sides in a “T” shape.
- Now, turn your gaze over your right fingertips and, while keeping both of your legs straight, start to glide your upper body forward over your right hip.
- Be sure to move your left hip out to the left and reach your right hand out in front of your right toes.
- Once you reach out as far as you can, bring your right hand down toward the floor in front of the right foot. (You can rest that hand on your shin or a block if you can’t comfortably reach the floor.)
- Reach your left hand straight up to create a long, straight line from your right fingertips to your left fingertips.
- Now, focus your attention to the area around your solar plexus chakra and breath deeply into that area.
- Try to slow your breath down.
- Imagine an orange glow over your solar plexus and remind yourself you have everything you need within you to succeed and make yourself happy.
- Use an inhale to come out of the pose and repeat the above steps on your other side.
- Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
2. Chair Twist Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana)
- Start from a low lunge and begin to straighten your front, lunging leg and bend your back knee while shifting your hips back.
- Place your tented fingers on the mat on either side of your straight front leg. (Note: You may want to use blocks under your hands if you have very tight hamstrings.)
- Maintain a flat back and lean gently into a forward fold.
- Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
Use the strength of your outer hips in this pose by thinking about contracting or pulling in the muscles around your outer hips for strength and balance. Focus on your unparalleled, unique, and personal creativity as well as your ability to establish healthy boundaries as you flow through life.
3. Warrior Three Pose (Virabhadrasana III)
- Start by standing at the top of your yoga mat in mountain pose (tadasana).
- Ground yourself into your right foot, bring your hands together in front of your heart, and begin to hinge forward at your hips.
- As your upper body moves into a flat-back position, let your left leg rise behind you until your body is parallel to the floor from the crown of your head to the sole of your left foot.
- Keep your hands in prayer position at your heart or, to challenge your balance, try straightening your arms. (Take care to keep your left hip in alignment with your right hip.)
- Breathe into your core, finding the power available to you there to maintain your balance.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
4. Boat Pose (Navasana)
- Sit on your yoga mat with your legs extended straight in front of you.
- Bend your knees and pull your thighs close to your belly, keeping the soles of your feet on the floor.
- Ground yourself firmly into your “sitz bones” and start to lean back, allowing your feet to come off the floor while you keep your back straight and open your heart forward.
- Bring your calves parallel to the floor or, for more of a challenge, extend your legs straight at a 45-degree angle.
- Place your arms by your sides and reach forward through your fingertips.
- Now, focus on your solar plexus as you contract your core and use your strength and power to hold this pose for up to five full breaths.
- Take a break and then repeat this pose two more times, holding it for five breaths each time.
5. Upward-Facing Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
- Lie down on your stomach.
- Bend your knees and reach your hands back to take hold of your feet.
- Cradle the arches of your feet in the palms of your hands.
- On an inhale, lift your chest, release your shoulders back, and raise your thighs off the floor while pressing your feet into your palms.
- Balance on your belly here — a movement that powerfully stimulates the solar plexus chakra.
- Continue breathing long, deep breaths and allow the movement of your breath to cause your body to rock gently back and forth.
- Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
Learn more about your chakra system and how you can heal and support your other chakras.