The throat chakra is all about communication. Sound is the means of both internal and external communication. Sound is contained in the element akasha, also known as ether, space, or sky. Sound has various dimensions both material and spiritual. In the Vedanta sutra, the ultimate spiritual treatise of the ancient vedic literature it is said that sound can liberate us from all suffering, clear the mind, and awaken our soul. This is achieved by chanting and meditating on spiritual mantras or spiritual sounds. The Throat chakra also controls the ethereal element and by activating this element in the throat chakra one can have better communication not just between people but also between our body, mind and soul.
In this article, we will discuss three mudras that can benefit the throat chakra.
What are Mudras?
Mudras are hand gestures that activate a certain element or energy in the body. The five fingers represent the five elements. The energy activation point lies on the fingertips. When the fingertips are connected, the subtle energy in your body gets activated. The thumb represents the fire element. This element represents agni within the body, and it serves to activate all the other elements.
The index finger represents air, middle finger ether, ring finger earth and the little finger represents the water element.
When different hand formations, or mudras, are formed, the combination of subtle elements has a powerful effect on the mind and body.
An Overview of the Throat Chakra
Each of the seven chakras has defining features that make it unique. Below is the profile of the throat chakra, known in Sanskrit as विशुद्ध (visuddha), or “the purified.”
Physical location: The neck. By bringing your awareness to the pharyngeal plexus, or the bundle of nerves near your throat, you can feel the energy of your fifth chakra.
Developmental stage: Seven to twelve years. In the major monotheistic religions — Christianity, Judaism, and Islam — seven is believed to be the age of reason. This is when a child begins their religious education and embraces their family’s faith as their own. This period of life is when one’s moral understanding emerges.
Chief domains: Truth, communication, and self-expression. The throat chakra shapes how we use our voice and determines our ability to listen and to learn.
Emotional challenge: Mistrust. Disappointment with authority figures — whether parents, teachers, or other leaders or role models — damages the fifth chakra. This often results from hypocrisy, unkept promises, or verbal abuse.
A person with a healthy throat chakra communicates in an honest and direct way. They have a strong grasp of language and can persuade others with sound logic and reasoning.
Element: Ether. Ether is the material substrate for sound-waves and all other forms of information. Our relationship with sound, both heard and spoken, is regulated by this fifth chakra. It governs language, communication, and how we process facts and data.
The Physiology of the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra balances the ether element, this controls the sound and thought infrastructure in the body. The throat is the seat of the thyroid glands, which control the basal metabolic rate. The parathyroid controls the calcium in the body. Hence this chakra is also said to control the functions of hunger and thirst.
The udana vayu is one of the life airs located in the throat region, and this air balances the pressure between the top of the head and the chest. Through the practice of yoga this air can be controlled. If this air can be controlled a yogi can float. The throat chakra also has all the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet on its petals. Therefore by reciting the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet we can activate the throat chakra. By reciting those letters we can improve our language and communication skills.
RECOMMENDED: For a complete guide to the many mudras and their benefits, check out Healing Mudras: Yoga of the Hands by Yogi Nataraj.
Mudras for the Throat Chakra
As we have already discussed, each chakra deals with an element and an endocrine gland influencing the body. To purify the chakras, we must practice the mudras relating to the specifi element as well as the proper endocrine gland or system.
The throat chakra deals with the ether element and the thyroid gland, which controls calcium levels in the body, as well as digestive power and energy levels.
The first mudra we will cover is the Akasha mudra:
The Akasha Mudra
Gently touch the tips of the thumbs and the middle finger. Gradually adjust until you can feel your pulse in your fingertips. Keep your other three fingers as straight as possible. Practice this mudra for about 15-20 minutes.
When Should I Perform the Akasha Mudra?
The Akasha mudra is useful for the following:
- Treating migraines and headaches
- Improving hearing
- Treating calcium deficiency
- Alleviating tooth aches and pains
Remember that it is very important to feel your pulse while performing this mudra.
The next mudra we will cover is known as the Udana vayu mudra:
The Udana Vayu Mudra
Touch the tips of all the fingers to the thumb except the little finger. Focus on the balancing air in your throat. This mudra purifies and activates the throat chakra. Practice this mudra for 15- 20 minutes.
The last mudra we will cover is known as the Svasa Mudra. The Svasa Mudra helps to alleviate asthma, bronchitis, allergies and other respiratory ailments:
The Svasa Mudra
Touch the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb. Next raise the index finger and fold the ring and little fingers and shown below. Now relax and breathe deeper, as you breathe deeply your breathing capacity and throat energy will increase. Hold this mudra for 15-20 minutes.
Bija Mantra for the Throat Chakra
When we perform the mudras we can also chant the bija mantras that activate the chakra. Bija means seed, this seed carries the energy of activation of the chakra. The Bjia mantra for the sacral chakra is ham pronounced “hang,” similar to how the syllable om is chanted.
When we chant the bija mantra along when we perform the mudra we get an even better effect of both the mudra and the mantra. Once we are situated in the mudra the soft chanting of the bija or the seed mantra along with concentration on the chakra is very beneficial.
Suggested Mudra Sequence for the Throat Chakra
- Sit in a quiet place if possible, sit with your back straight or against the wall. You can even sit on a chair.
- Perform the Akasha Mudra. Meditate on the Bija mantra by reciting it softly or in the mind as you practice the mudra. Practice this mudra for 15 minutes.
- Perform the Udana vayu Mudra . Meditate on the Bija mantra for 15 minutes.
- Perform the Svasa Mudra along with the soft chanting of the bija mantra vam for 15 minutes.
You can practice the sequence based on your time available. If you have 15 minutes perform the first mudra. If you have more time you do the second one and so on.
This sequence will benefit you immensely in cleaning the chakra and becoming emotionally stable.